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- IBM 8514/A
- 8514/A clones:
- ATI 38800-5 (MACH 8), 68800 (MACH 32)
- Chips&Tech 82c480
- Paradise ??
- 0102h (R/W): Setup Control Register
- bit 0 If set the adapter is enabled, if clear the card is
- invisible to the system.
- 1-7 Reserved(0)
- 02E8h W(R): Display Status Register
- bit 0 SENSE is the result of a wired-OR of 3 comparators, one
- for each of the RGB video signal.
- By programming the RAMDAC for various values
- and patterns and then reading the SENSE, the monitor type
- (color, monochrome or none) can be determined.
- 1 VBLANK. Vertical Blank State
- If Vertical Blank is active this bit is set.
- 2 HORTOG. Horizontal Toggle
- This bit toggles every time a HSYNC pulse starts
- 3-15 Reserved(0)
- 02E8h W(W): Horizontal Total Register (H_TOTAL)
- bits 0-8 Horizontal Total defines the total horizontal scan line width
- including the display, blank and sync times.
- All horizontal timings are in "double nuggets"
- (8 or 10 pixels depending on the state of MEM_CNTL[0]).
- The actual value is one latger than this register.
- 9-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: this register is written at 02E8 and read at 26E8h.
- 02EAh (R/W): DAC Mask Register (DAC_MASK)
- bits 0-7 DAC mask. This value is anded to the pixel data before going
- to the DAC. Set to 0FFh for normal operation.
- Note: In VGA passthrough mode writes to the VGA palette address 03C6h
- will go to this address to allow the 8514/A to mirror palette changes.
- 02EBh (R/W): DAC Read Index Register (DAC_R_INDEX)
- bits 0-7 DAC Read Index. Indicates which of the 256 palette entries
- will be read by the current sequence of I/O read operations
- to the DAC_DATA (02EDh) register.
- Note: In VGA passthrough mode writes to the VGA palette address 03C7h
- will go to this address to allow the 8514/A to mirror palette changes.
- 02ECh (R/W): DAC Write Index Register (DAC_W_INDEX)
- bits 0-7 DAC Write Index. Indicates which of the 256 palette entries
- will be written by the current sequence of I/O write operations
- to the DAC_DATA (02EDh) register.
- Note: In VGA passthrough mode writes to the VGA palette address 03C8h
- will go to this address to allow the 8514/A to mirror palette changes.
- 02EDh (R/W): DAC DATA Register (DAC_DATA)
- bits 0-7 DAC Data.
- Note: In VGA passthrough mode writes to the VGA palette address 03C9h
- will go to this address to allow the 8514/A to mirror palette changes.
- 06E8h W(W): Horizontal Displayed Register (H_DISP)
- bits 0-7 Number of "double nuggets"-1 displayed in a scan line.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 0AE8h W(W): Horizontal Sync Start Register (H_Sync_STRT)
- bits 0-7 Hsync starts at (H_SYNC_STRT +1) double nugget periods.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 0EE8h W(W): Horizontal Sync Width Register (H_SYNC_WID)
- bits 0-4 Width of the Horizontal Sync pulse in "double nuggets".
- 5 Horizontal Sync Polarity (HSYNCPOL).
- If set the Horizontal Sync Pulse is Negative, else Positive.
- 6-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 12E8h W(W): Vertical Total Register (V_TOTAL)
- bits 0-2 Vertical Total Adjust (VTADJ).
- 3-11 Vertical Total Base (VTB).
- The Vertical Total is calculated as:
- Vertical Total = (Scan Modolus * VTB)+VTADJ+1
- Where the Scan Modulus is found from the DBLSCAN and
- MEMCFG bits of the DISP_CNTL register (22E8h).
- DBLSCAN: MEMCFG: Scan Modulus:
- 0 0 0 2
- 0 0 1 4
- 0 1 0 6
- 0 1 1 8
- 1 0 0 4
- 1 0 1 8
- 1 1 0 12
- 1 1 1 16
- 12-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 16E8h W(W): Vertical Displayed Register (V_DISP)
- bits 0-2 Vertical Displayed Adjust (VDADJ)
- 3-11 Vertical Displayed Base (VDB)
- The Vertical Displayed is calculated as:
- Vertical Displayed = (Scan Modolus * VDB)+VDADJ+1
- Where the Scan Modulus is the same as for
- Vertical Total in 12E8h.
- 12-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 1AE8h W(W): Vertical Sync Start Register (V_SYNC_STRT)
- bits 0-2 Vertical Sync Start Adjust (VSADJ)
- 3-11 Vertical Sync Start Base (VSB)
- The Vertical Sync Start is calculated as:
- Vertical Sync Start = (Scan Modolus * VSB)+VSADJ+1
- Where the Scan Modulus is the same as for
- Vertical Total in 12E8h.
- 12-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 1EE8h W(W): Vertical Sync Width Register (V_SYNC_WID)
- bits 0-4 Number of scanlines in the Vertical Sync pulse.
- 5 Vertical Sync Polarity (VSYNCPOL).
- If set the Vertical Sync pulse is Negative, else Positive.
- 6-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 22E8h W(W): Display Control Register (DISP_CNTL)
- bit 0 Odd Bank Enable (ODDBNKENAB).
- If set use Horizontally Interleaved banks.
- (Normal 8514/A mode).
- 1-2 Memory Configuration (MEMCFG).
- 0 NCLK (PS8 Mode)
- 1 NCLK/2 (Normal 8514/A Mode)
- 2 NCLK/3
- 3 NCLK/4
- 3 (Double Scan) DBLSCAN. If set doublescan is enabled.
- 4 INTERLACE. Interlace if set.
- 5-6 Display Enable (DISPEN)
- 0 = No effect
- 1 = Enable Hsync, Vsync, Blank, data transfer cycles
- and refresh cycles.
- 2,3 = Disable Hsync, Vsync, Blank, data transfer cycles
- and refresh cycles.
- 7-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 26E8h W(R): Horizontal Total Register (H_TOTAL)
- Note: this register is written at 02E8 and read at 26E8h.
- 2EE8h W(R): Subsystem Control Register (SUBSYS_CNTL)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is written to 48E8h and read from 2EE8h.
- 42E8h W(R): Subsystem Status Register (SUBSYS_STAT)
- bit 0-3 Interrupt requests. THese bits show the state of internal interrupt
- requests. An interrupt will only occur if the corresponding bit(s) in
- SUBSYS_CNTL is set. Interrupts can only be reset by writing a 1 to the
- corresponding Interrupt Clear bit in SUBSYS_CNTL.
- 1: IBM 8507 (1024x768) Monochrome
- 2: IBM 8514 (1024x768) Color
- 5: IBM 8503 (640x480) Monochrome
- 6: IBM 8512/13 (640x480) Color
- 7 8PLANE.
- (CT82c480) This bit is latched on reset from pin P4D7.
- 8-11 CHIP_REV. Chip revision number.
- 12-15 (CT 82c480) CHIP_ID. 0=CT 82c480.
- 42E8h W(W): Subsystem Control Register (SUBSYS_CNTL)
- bit 0-3 Interrupt Reset. Write 1 to a bit to reset the interrupt.
- Bit 0 RVBLNKFLG Write 1 to reset Vertical Blank interrupt.
- 1 RPICKFLAG Write 1 to reset PICK interrupt.
- 2 RINVALIDIO Write 1 to reset Queue Overflow/Data
- Underflow interrupt.
- 3 RGPIDLE Write 1 to reset GPIDLE interrupt.
- 4-7 Reserved(0)
- 8 IBLNKFLG. If set Vertical Blank Interrupts are enabled.
- 9 IPICKFLAG. If set PICK Interrupts are enabled.
- 10 IINVALIDIO. If set Queue Overflow/Data Underflow Interrupts are enabled.
- 11 IGPIDLE. If set Graphics Engine Idle Interrupts are enabled.
- 12-13 CHPTEST. Used for chip testing.
- 14-15 Graphics Processor Control (GPCTRL).
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is written to 48E8h and read from 2EE8h.
- 46E8h W(W): ROM Page Select Register (ROM_PAGE_SEL)
- bit 0-2 Maps a 4KB page of the onboard 32K ROM to address C7000h-C7FFFh.
- 3 VGA Enable. If set enables the VGA
- This bit is not implemented in the 8514/A, but in the VGA controller.
- 4 VGA Setup. If set the VGA is in Setup mode.
- This bit is not implemented in the 8514/A, but in the VGA controller.
- 5-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 4AE8h W(W): Advanced Function Control Register (ADVFUNC_CNTL)
- bit 0 DISABPASSTHRU. If clear the VGA video is passed through the
- 8514/A RAMDAC, if set the 8514/A video is passed to the 8514/A RAMDAC.
- 1 RSDV0. Reserved bit 0 = 1.
- 2 Clock Select (CLKSEL).
- If set a clock of 44.900MHz is used (1024x768 interlaced)
- if clear a clock of 25.175MHz is used (640x480).
- The CT82c480 supports 8 clock frequencies through the
- Extended Configuration Register EC3 (5EE8h).
- 3 RSDV1. Reserved bit 1 =0.
- 4-15 Reserved(0).
- Note: In the 8514/A this register is Writeonly,
- In the Chips&Tech 82c480 it is Read/Write.
- 52E8h W(R/W): Extended Configuration Register (EC0) (CT82c480 only)
- bit 0-15 Reserved.
- 56E8h W(R/W): Extended Configuration Register (EC1) (CT82c480 only)
- bit 0-15 Reserved.
- 5AE8h W(R/W): Extended Configuration Register (EC2) (CT82c480 only)
- bit 0-2 Reserved(1)
- 3-4 ROMBASE. Latched on reset from P4D3-4.
- Determines start address of ROM:
- 8K ROM 32K ROM
- MC ISA MC ISA MC =Micro Channel
- 0 0C8000 C6000 0D0000 D0000
- 1 0D8000 D8000 0D8000 D8000
- 2 0C0000 C0000 0C0000 C0000
- 3 0C6000 C8000 0C8000 C8000
- 5 ROMSIZE. Latched on reset from P4D5.
- If set the ROM is 8K, if clear the ROM is 32K.
- 6 ROMPAGING. Latched from P4D6 on reset.
- If set the ROMPG pins are outputs, if clear they are inputs.
- 7 8 Bit planes (8BP).
- 8-9 BANKS. Number of VRAM banks.
- 0=1 bank, 1=2 banks, 2=3 banks, 3=4 banks.
- 10 If set 256Kx4 VRAMs are used, if clear 64Kx4 VRAMs.
- Sampled from MA8 on reset.
- 11 5-Pixel Nuggets (5PN).
- Latched from WE4/ on reset.
- Determines whether there are 4 or 5 pixels to a nugget.
- 12 Reserved(0)
- 13 8-bit DAC Control (8BITDAC).
- If set the RAMDAC is 8bit rather than 6bit.
- On reset the 8BITDAC pin is sampled, then the pin
- turns into an output driven by this bit.
- This can be used to switch a DAC with 6/8bit ability
- like an IMSG178 or BT478 between 6 and 8 bits.
- 14-15 Reserved(0)
- 5EE8h W(R/W): Extended Configuration Register (EC3) (CT82c480 only)
- bit 0-3 Selects which registers will be read from BEE8h.
- 4 Alternate High Register Select (AHRS).
- If set writes to video timing registers
- will go the the Alternate-High register set.
- 5 Alternate Low Register Select (ALRS).
- If set writes to video timing registers
- will go the the Alternate-Low register set.
- 6 Alternate High Register Enable (AHRE).
- If set enables the Alternate High-resolution video
- timing register set.
- 7 Alternate Low Register Enable (ALRE).
- If set enables the Alternate Low-resolution video
- timing register set.
- 8-10 Clock Select 0-2 (CLKSEL0-2).
- The CT82c480 maintains 3 different clock select register sets.
- On set each for Alternate High, Alternate Low and normal video.
- 11 Reserved(0)
- 12 OVERRIDE. If set the normal video register set is used.
- If clear the AHRE and ALRE determines the video register set used.
- This bit is reset on any write to the ADVFUNC_CTRL register (4AE8h).
- 13-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: Writes to this register should be 8-bit.
- 82E8h W(R/W): Current Y Position Register (CUR_Y)
- bit 0-11 Y Position. Y coordinate of current position in pixels.
- 12-15 Reserved(0)
- 86E8h W(R/W): Current X Position Register (CUR_X)
- bit 0-11 X Position. X coordinate of current position in pixels.
- 12-15 Reserved(0).
- Note: In 5PN mode bits 11, 1 and 0 are remainder bits,
- bits 2-10 are the current X position modulo 5.
- 8AE8h W(R/W): Destination Y Position & Axial Step Constant Register (DESTY_AXSTP)
- bit 0-11 During BITBLT operations this is the Y coordinate of the
- destination in pixels.
- During Line Drawing, this is the Bresenham constant 2*dminor.
- (dminor is the length of the line projected onto
- the minor or dependant axis).
- 12 AXSTPSIGN. Sign bit for Axial Step Constant.
- Should be 0 during BITBLT operations.
- 13-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- 8EE8h W(R/W): Destination X Position & Diagonal Step Constant Register (DESTX_DISTP)
- bit 0-11 During BITBLT operations this is the X coordinate of the
- destination in pixels.
- During Line Drawing this is the Bresenham constant 2*dminor-2*dmajor.
- (dminor is the length of the line projected onto
- the minor or dependant axis, dmajor is the length of the
- line projected onto the major or independent axis)
- 12 DGSTPSIGN. Sogn bit for Diagonal Step Constant
- (Should be set to 0 for BITBLT operations).
- 13-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- 92E8h W(R/W): Error Term Register (ERR_TERM).
- bit 0-12 Initial Error Term.
- This register is programmed to the Bresenham initial
- error term before a line drawing command is issued.
- 13-15 Reserved. These bits are read/writable but have no function.
- 96E8h W(R/W): Major Axis Pixel Count & Rectangle Width Register (MAJ_AXIS_PCNT)
- bit 0-10 For BITBLT and rectangle commands this is the width of the area.
- For Line Drawing this is the Bresenham constant dmajor.
- Must be positive.
- 11-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- 9AE8h W(R): Graphics Processor Status Register (GP_STAT)
- bit 0-7 Queue State.
- 00h = 8 words available - queue is empty
- 01h = 7 words available
- 03h = 6 words available
- 07h = 5 words available
- 0Fh = 4 words available
- 1Fh = 3 words available
- 3Fh = 2 words available
- 7Fh = 1 word available
- FFh = 0 words available - queue is full
- 8 DATARDY. If set data is ready to be read from
- the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h).
- 9 Graphics Processor Busy (GPBUSY)
- If set the Graphics Processor is busy.
- 10-15 Reserved(0)
- 9AE8h W(W): Command Register (CMD)
- bit 0 WRTDATA. If set VRAM write operations are enabled.
- If clear operations execute normally but no writes
- to memory is performed.
- 1 PLANAR defines the orientation of the display bitmap.
- 0=Through plane mode, 1=Across plane mode.
- 2 If set the last pixel of a line command (CMD_LINE, SSV or
- LINEAF) is not drawn. This is used for mixes such as XOR
- where drawing the same pixel twixe would give the wrong color.
- For rectangle commands the effect is different depending on the
- INC_X and INC_Y fields:
- If INC_X is set then the rightmost coloumn is not drawn,
- if clear the leftmost coloumn is not drawn.
- If INC_Y is set the bottom row is not drawn,
- if clear the top row is not drawn.
- No effect
- If INC_X set the rightmost coloumn is not drawn,
- if clear the leftmost coloumn is not drawn.
- 4 DRAW. If clear the current position is moved, but no pixels
- are modified. This bit should be set when attempting read or
- write of bitmap data.
- 5-7 LINEDIR. When a line draw command (CMD_LINE) with LINETYPE=1
- is issued, these bits define the direction of the line
- counterclockwise relative to the positive X-axis.
- 0 = 000 degrees
- 1 = 045 degrees
- 2 = 090 degrees
- 3 = 135 degrees
- 4 = 180 degrees
- 5 = 225 degrees
- 6 = 270 degrees
- 7 = 315 degrees
- 5 INC_X. This bit together with INC_Y determines which quadrant
- the slope of a line lies within. They also determine the
- orientation of rectrangle draw commands.
- If set lines are drawn in the positive X direction (left to right).
- 6 YMAJAXIS. For Bresenham line drawing commands this bit determines
- which axis is the independent or major axis. INC_X and INC_Y
- determines which quadrant the slope falls within. This bit further
- defines the slope to within an octant.
- If set Y is the major (independant) axis.
- 7 INC_Y. This bit together with INC_X determines which quadrant
- the slope of a line lies within. They also determine the
- orientation of rectrangle draw commands.
- If set lines are drawn in the positive Y direction (down).
- 8 (Pixel Data Enable) PCDATA.
- If set the drawing engine waits for read/write of the PIX_TRANS
- register (E2E8h) for each pixel during a draw operation.
- 9 16BIT. If set the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h) is processed
- internally as two bytes in the order specified by BYTSEQ.
- If clear all accesses are 8bit.
- 10-11 Reserved(0)
- 12 Byte Sequence (BYTSEQ). Affects both reads and writes of
- SHORT_STROKE (9EE8h) and PIX_TRANS (E2E8h) when 16bit=1.
- If set take low byte first, if clear take high byte first.
- 13-15 Draw Command:
- 0 = CMD_NOP. (Should be used for Short Stroke Vectors).
- 1 = CMD_LINE
- 2 = CMD_RECT (Fill rectangle in X direction)
- 3 = CMD_RECTV1 (Fill rectangle in Y direction)
- 4 = CMD_RECTV2 (Fast filled Y direction rectangle)
- 5 = CMD_LINEAF (Outline)
- 6 = CMD_BITBLT (Copy rectangle)
- 7 = illegal
- 9EE8h W(R/W): Short Stroke Vector Transfer Register (SHORT_STROKE)
- bit 0-3 Length of vector projected onto the major axis.
- This is also the number of pixels drawn.
- 4 Must be set for pixels to be written.
- 5-7 VECDIR. The angle measured counter-clockwise from horizontal
- right) at which the line is drawn,
- 0 = 000 degrees
- 1 = 045 degrees
- 2 = 090 degrees
- 3 = 135 degrees
- 4 = 180 degrees
- 5 = 225 degrees
- 6 = 270 degrees
- 7 = 315 degrees
- 8-15 The lower 8 bits are duplicated in the upper 8 bits so two
- short stroke vectors can be drawn with one command.
- Note: The upper byte must be written for the SSV command to be executed.
- Thus if a byte is written to 9EE8h another byte must be written to
- 9EE9h before execution starts. A single 16bit write will do.
- If only one SSV is desired the other byte can be set to 0.
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- A2E8h W(W): Background Color Register (BKGD_COLOR)
- bit 0-7 Background Color. This is the color used for writing pixels
- where the Foreground Color Mix is selected and FSS=0, or the
- Background Color Mix is selecte and BSS=0.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: During drawing commands reading this register is equivelent to
- reading the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h).
- This register is writable when GPBUSY=DATARDY=0 or when PCDATA=0.
- Otherwise during drawing commands with PCDATA=1 a write to A2E8h
- functions as a write to the PIX_TRANS register.
- A6E8h W(W): Foreground Color Register (FRGD_COLOR)
- bit 0-7 Foreground Color. This is the color used for writing pixels
- where the Foreground Color Mix is selected and FSS=1, or the
- Background Color Mix is selecte and BSS=1.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: During drawing commands reading this register is equivelent to
- reading the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h).
- This register is writable when GPBUSY=DATARDY=0 or when PCDATA=0.
- Otherwise during drawing commands with PCDATA=1 a write to A6E8h
- functions as a write to the PIX_TRANS register.
- AAE8h W(R/W): Write Mask Register (WRT_MASK)
- bit 0-7 Writemask. A plane can only be modified if the corresponding
- bit is set.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- AEE8h W(R/W): Read Mask Register (RD_MASK)
- bit 0-7 Read Mask affects the following commands: CMD_RECT, CMD_BITBLT
- and reading data in Across Plane Mode.
- Each bit set prevents the plane from being read.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- B2E8h W(R/W): Color Compare Register (COLOR_CMP)
- bit 0-7 This is an 8 bit color which is compared to the destination
- data during BitBlts. The aritmetric comparison to be used
- (<,>,=,true,false, etc..) is specified by the COLCMPO bits
- of the PIX_CNTL register.
- If the result of the comparison is true, the destination data
- is left unchanged.
- 8-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- B6E8h W(R/W): Background Mix Register (BKGD_MIX)
- bit 0-4 Background MIX (BACKMIX).
- 00 not DST
- 01 0 (false)
- 02 1 (tre)
- 03 2 DST
- 04 not SRC
- 05 SRC xor DST
- 06 not (SRC xor DST)
- 07 SRC
- 08 not (SRC and DST)
- 09 (not SRC) or DST
- 0A SRC or (not DST)
- 0B SRC or DST
- 0C SRC and DST
- 0D SRC and (not DST)
- 0E (not SRC) and DST
- 0F not (SRC or DST)
- 10 min(SRC,DST)
- 11 DST-SRC with underflow
- 12 SRC-DSt with underflow
- 13 SRC+DST with overflow
- 14 max(SRC,DST)
- 15 (DST-SRC)/2 with underflow
- 16 (SRC-DST)/2 with underflow
- 17 (SRC+DST)/2 with overflow
- 18 DST-SRC with saturate
- 19 DST-SRC with saturate
- 1A SRC-DST with saturate
- 1B SRC+DST with saturate
- 1C (DST-SRC)/2 with saturate
- 1D (DST-SRC)/2 with saturate
- 1E (SRC-DST)/2 with saturate
- 1F (SRC+DST)/2 with saturate
- DST is always the destination bitmap, bit SRC has four
- possible sources selected by the BSS bits.
- 5-6 Background Source Select (BSS)
- 0 BSS is Background Color
- 1 BSS is Foreground Color
- 2 BSS is Pixel Data from the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h)
- 3 BSS is Bitmap Data (Source data from display buffer).
- 7-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- BAE8h W(R/W): Foreground Mix Register (FRGD_MIX)
- bit 0-4 Foreground MIX (FOREMIX).
- Same as BACKMIX in B6E8h.
- 5-6 Foreground Source Select (FSS)
- 0 FSS is Background Color
- 1 FSS is Foreground Color
- 2 FSS is Pixel Data from the PIX_TRANS register (E2E8h)
- 3 FSS is Bitmap Data (Source data from display buffer).
- 7-15 Reserved(0)
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A this register is Write only.
- In the CT82c480 it is read/writable
- BEE8h W(W): Multifunction Control Register (MULTIFUNC_CTRL)
- bit 0-11 Data.
- 12-15 INDEX. indicates which Multifunction register
- will be written with the data in bits 0-11.
- Note: Severel registers are placed at BEE8h. When BEE8 is written
- the bits 12-15 selects the specific register to receive the write.
- Note: In the original IBM 8514/A these registers are write-only.
- The CT 82c480 allows reading the registers by writing the index
- to bits 0-3 of the Extended Configuration Register 3 (5EE8h)
- and then reading BEE8h. Bits 12-15 read are not valid.
- BEE8h index 00h W(W): Minor Axis Pixel Count Register (MIN_AXIS_PCNT).
- bit 0-10 Height of BITBLT or rectangle command.
- Actual height is one larger.
- 11 Reserved(0)
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 01h W(W): Top Scissors Register (SCISSORS_T).
- bit 0-11 Minimum Y coordinate value for the scissors rectangle.
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 02h W(W): Left Scissors Registers (SCISSORS_L).
- bit 0-11 Minimum X coordinate value for the scissors rectangle.
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 03h W(W): Bottom Scissors Register (SCISSORS_B).
- bit 0-11 Maximum Y coordinate value for the scissors rectangle.
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 04h W(W): Right Scissors Register (SCISSORS_R).
- bit 0-11 Maximum X coordinate value for the scissors rectangle.
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 05h W(W): Memory Control Register (MEM_CNTL).
- bit 0-1 HORCFG. Xcoordiante divider.
- 0=4, 1=5, 2=8 and 3=10.
- Bit 0 is set if using 5-pixel operations
- and bit 1 is set if the VRAMs are interleaved horizontally.
- 2-3 VRTCFG. VRAM banks.
- If using 256KBit banks 0=2 banks and 1=4banks.
- If using 1MBit banks 1=1 Bank, 2=2 banks and 3=4 banks.
- 4 BUFSWP. Used to select planes when in Pseude 8-plane mode.
- If set buffer 1 (upper 4 planes) is selected.
- If clear buffer 0 (lower 4 planes) is selected.
- 5-11 Reserved(0)
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 08h W(W): Fixed Pattern Low Register (PATTERN_L).
- bit 0-4 Mask low is used to select the mix on a pixel by pixel basis.
- If MIXSEL=01 then test pattern registers are used to select
- foreground or background mixs. Mask Low applies to even numbered
- nuggets (0 is leftmost on the screen).
- A 0 selects BACKMIX and a 1 selects FOREMIX.
- Bit 4 is pixel 0 and bit 0 is pixel 4 (if in 5PN mode).
- 5-11 Reserved(0)
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 09h W(W): Fixed Pattern High Register (PATTERN_H).
- bit 0-4 Mask low is used to select the mix on a pixel by pixel basis.
- If MIXSEL=01 then test pattern registers are used to select
- foreground or background mixs. Mask High applies to odd numbered
- nuggets (0 is leftmost on the screen).
- A 0 selects BACKMIX and a 1 selects FOREMIX.
- Bit 4 is pixel 0 and bit 0 is pixel 4 (if in 5PN mode).
- 5-11 Reserved(0)
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- BEE8h index 0Ah W(W): Pixel Control Register (PIX_CNTL).
- BIT 0 Intra-Nugget Alignment (INA5PN).
- If set BitBlt data in the internal data buffer is aligned on
- Modulus 5 basis rather than Modulus 4.
- 0 Normal Operation
- 1 Indeterminate
- 2 Fill area using RD_MASK as boundary mask.
- Does not fill second edge of boundary;
- Plane Mask is a mixture of RD_MASK and WRT_MASK.
- 3 Fill area using WRT_MASK as boundary mask.
- Does fill second edge of boundary;
- Plane Mask is WRT_MASK (although RD_MASK must be
- non-zero for correct operation).
- 3-5 Color Comparison operation (COLCMPOP).
- Determines the comparison performed on each pixel.
- 0 False (always write DST)
- 1 true (never write DST)
- 6-7 Mix Select (MIXSEL).
- 0 FOREMIX is always used.
- 1 PATTERN_L,PATTERN_H select mix.
- 2 Data from PIX_TRANS selects the mix (1=FOREMIX).
- 3 SRC selects mix (used for transparency during BITBLT).
- 8-11 Reserved(0)
- Note: See note above on reading BEE8h.
- E2E8h W(R/W): Pixel Data Transfer Register (PIX_TRANS)
- bit 0-15 Data can be read from or written to the display buffer.
- In through plane mode (PLANAR=0), bits 0-7 and 8-15 map onto
- bit planes 0-7 of an individual pixel.
- In across plane mode (PLANAR=1) bits 0-4 and 8-12 map onto pixels
- 0-4 within a nugget (1 bit per pixel).
- Note: The original IBM 8514/A should always be accessed with 16bit read/writes.
- Note: The original IBM 8514/A can access this register at A2E8h and A6E8h
- during drawing commands.